Sharing stories of surfing’s rich history
From the Chicago Tribune to the Honolulu Advertiser people across the country are learning about Greenhouse Surfboards and our progression toward truly sustainable watercraft. Our passion for surfing extends far beyond shaping longboards. Through various means of storytelling, we can share with others our love of surfing, our environment and the benefits of expanding awareness of the myriad of ways that our relationship with water enhances our lives. The story of surfing continues to be written and Greenhouse Surfboards is honored to be one small part of its growing legacy.
Articles About and Essays by Greenhouse Shaper, Ken Cole
Tom Blake’s Legacy
Milwaukee native, Tom Blake’s legacy in surfing is present in the fin, hollow boards and leash. From Wisconsin, to California to Hawaii, his is a compelling story of an innovator, recluse and surfing legend.
Snowy Winter Waves
When all’s said and done, it’s all about the glide. Whether 78 degrees with palm trees, or 22 and a snow covered bluff, it’s all good and full of aloha.
Frigid Waves, Warm Stoke
The stoke is where you find it. In the Great Lakes, surfers brave the frigid waters for that one glassy wave, and the opportunity to forge friendships that last a lifetime both in and out of the water.
Telling Tom Blake’s Story
Increasingly people are learning more about Tom Blake’s accomplishments, but who he was, remains a mystery. This was one of many efforts to tell his story.
Blacks Do Surf
Often people are limited by what they have been told they can or cannot do. And surfing is no different. But across the globe, more surfers of color are sharing the stoke and joining the lineup.
Lake Michigan Sunrise
Each year surfers in the Midwest gather to paddle out for a sunrise celebration of our Great Lakes. This video is the first to truly capture the beauty we get to experience.